2021 Holiday Letter

We greatly appreciate you having chosen our stores and our people to help you with the goods and services you’ve needed in 2021. With another year behind us, it’s time to look forward to what’s ahead. We’re excited about the future and we want each of you to know whether you work construction, tend a backyard garden, raise livestock, or simply live the country lifestyle, we’re proud to serve you and support your community.
In the last 12 months, we were honored to help as much as we could. That included raising money for food banks in both Oregon and Washington, participating in a community Thanksgiving dinner for those in need, and supporting FFA and 4-H. Handing out life jackets for youth and helping those affected by wildfires also topped our list. 2022 will be our chance to give back even more. With your help and support, we’ll make it happen.
Please, know that we’re here to serve you. We’re here for you just as you’re here for us. It’s who we are and what we do. It’s what makes us all country.
Thank you for choosing Coastal as we continue to grow and serve more communities. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the blessings of the season be yours, always.
Just what the country needs,

Lori McKinnon, President/CEO